21 Bible Verses about Being Happy in Hard Times

21 Bible Verses about Being Happy in Hard Times

We are bound to face hard times even though we are believers, which sometimes come to test our faith and belief in God.

The hardship we face today shouldn’t make us weary or sad at any point in our lives because we have God, who is always ready to solve our needs and challenges.

Bible Verses about Being Happy in Hard Times

As humans, it is seen as normal to feel sad when we encounter challenges as a solid and powerful scripture that will help us be happy even in hard times. 


Proverbs 10:28 – There’s joy in righteousness 

The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.

Proverbs 10:28, NIV

Proverbs 10_28

This verse says that though troubles come to good men and women, they have no cause to be discouraged.

When faced with difficult times, we should know that one day,  all our struggles will be over.

We should trust God and wait for this glorious day because Anyone who puts their faith in themselves or lies rather than God is bound to failure and judgment.

The expectation of the righteous is joy, and our hope is in the faithfulness of God, Who has spoken and made known Himself and His ways in the Scriptures.

As for the wicked and unrepentant people, When they come before God’s judgment, His fury will be all they can see.

The wise man finds his righteousness in faith in Jesus Christ, not Himself. That person will have unending joy, and our hope in Jesus Christ will never disappoint us.


Nehemiah 8:10 – God is the reason for our joy

Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Nehemiah 8:10(NRSV)

Nehemiah 8_10

How do we find joy and strength in the Lord? This bible portion contains valid reasons why we should not be sad, anxious, or grieving during challenging and difficult times.

First and foremost, we should have faith that God will take care of us in times of need and want only if we believe and have faith in him.

When we start to feel afraid, it should remind us that God’s mighty and able hand is always with us. We should also believe that God’s strength is always adequate for us.

We should continue to immerse ourselves in Bible study and meditation while encouraging and fellowshipping with other Christians who share our commitment to God.

This is how we may develop as a community and strengthen the body of Christ.


Isaiah 41:10 – We have strength in knowing God

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10(NRSV)

Isaiah 41_10

God comforts us in this passage by assuring us that He will always be by our side.

He encourages us not to be afraid, for He will uphold us with His just right hand, giving us the strength to stand our ground.

He commands us to trust Him, yet doing so might be difficult because you never know what might be waiting for you on the other side of the bridge.

However, God desires that we have faith in Him, and He wants us to be inspired and gathers the fortitude to let Him walk beside us.

We are urged to put our trust in the Lord and ask Him to give us the power to handle life’s challenges.

Exodus 15:2 – Praises takes away fear

The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him— my father’s God, and I will exalt him!

Exodus 15:2(NRSV)

Exodus 15_2

God will become our song when we allow Him to be our strength. Because of the triumph achieved by the incredible power of the Lord, we will sing.

Because His power won’t fail us and we will live singing with joy at all times.

When we recognize the incredible power of God’s might, our strength is refueled because we are confident that we are not alone in our problems and can overcome every difficult circumstance.

When we overcome, we have victory, which will cause us to praise God’s name with all our might.


Psalm 9:9-10 – In troubled times God is our strength

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

Psalm 9:9-10(NRSV)

Psalm 9_9-10

As God’s children, we must not give room for doubt or anxiety in our hearts because he has promised to be our helper and cover in times of trouble and pain.

We are to trust him because he is the only assured shield for our security and protection.

God has consistently proven Himself faithful to us at all times; we should hold on to His assuring promises and believe that only He can help us,

Psalm 34:10 – There’s no impossibility in God

Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

Psalm 34:10(NRSV)

Psalm 34_10


When we turn to God at all times, we will not be in want or need because he has assured us of his provision.

This does not imply that we will always receive what we ask for, but as God’s children, if we wait on God and trust in Him to provide for us, we will not lack any Good things.

He has promised that we shall always have access to what is best for us. He has not pledged to fulfill our desires or meet our expectations, but He has pledged to take care of all of our needs.

Isaiah 26: 3-4 Keep calm and trust in God

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.

Isaiah 26: 3-4(NRSV)

Isaiah 26_ 3-4

Because God is an everlasting rock, He will keep us perfectly at peace when we trust Him and keep our thoughts fixed on Him.

Therefore, we are encouraged to fix our eyes on Him, cause our minds to remain on Him, and recognize that we must trust Him no matter what is happening.

Because He is an everlasting rock and there is complete peace in Him, we can put our trust in Him right now and always.

1 Chronicle 16:11- Our strength is revived in God

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!

1 Chronicles 16:11(NRSV)

1 Chronicles 16_11

This verse instructs us to seek the Lord’s face and His strength constantly. The only place to find strength in a broken and sin-filled world is in our relationship with Him.

Our assurance comes from the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, which enables us to place our faith in Him and receive the forgiveness of our sins.

We change into a new creation as we put our confidence and trust in Him.

God assures us that His Spirit will remain with us. As we commit ourselves and put our faith in His love, we can call on Him and know that He will be by our sides.

Because He gives us all hope and strength in every situation, let’s seek Him with all our hearts.

Psalm 32:7-8 – God is our refuge

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Psalm 32:7-8(NRSV)

Psalm 32_7-8

Our Heavenly Father is more like a hiding place because he keeps us safe from harm and surrounds us with his power.

Therefore, we can be confident that the Lord is in control of our lives when we trust him.

This does not imply that we will never face challenges and difficulties. However, it means that when tough circumstances strike, we can be sure that God is on our side and that our ultimate security lies in him.

God is present regardless of what occurs in this life or how He may appear to have abandoned us. Because He is the best hiding place of all, the more we rely on him and put our faith in him, the more securely we will live.



Psalm 34:17 – God hears the cry of His children

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles.

Psalm 34:17 (NRSV)

Psalm 34_17

The cry of the righteous is always heard by God, according to this verse. So He will listen to our cries no matter where we are or the situation we may be in.

God is always aware of his children’s cries. We have received the most assistance through Christ’s finished work on the cross.

God has promised never to let our trust falter for everyone who trusts him.

The knowledge that Jesus won’t abandon us gives us enormous comfort, and he is constantly close by, prepared to help us and keep our faith alive.

He responds to our cries by joining us. He is there to support us when we are overwhelmed and crushed.

Bible Verses about smiling through Hard Times

Smiles often bring us courage; smiling amid difficulties entails knowing and believing there will be an answer.

As believers, we are not always to focus only on ourselves but also to see that others are strong and happy. This involves us keeping a smile so others can be encouraged.

If we face a situation that wants us to see shame, we are to put a smile on our faces. This section is vested with scripture that will help us to smile through hard times.

Proverbs 15:13 

A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed.

  1. Proverbs 15:13 (ESV)

The condition of our hearts has a significant impact on how we live and determines whether we will live in happiness or sorrow.

The condition of our countenance is another aspect we should be concerned about, as we will discover from this passage.

It is a poor testimony to those around us to claim to be Christians and to feel God’s delight while never allowing that joy to show on our faces.

Walking with God is wisdom and will be reflected in our faces and countenance when we act joyfully. However, if we walk in disobedience and rebellion, it will bring brokenness and sadness into our lives and cause our hearts to suffering emotionally.

Proverbs 17:22 

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)

When we establish a good connection with our Lord and personal savior, we share his joy through salvation. So rather than sinking in despair and anxiety, we should find solace in God’s promises and rejoice in him.

As God’s children, we should constantly dwell on God’s peace and joy because it’s good medicine for the soul.

Being mentally drained leads to depression, anxiety, fear, and maybe death, which happens when we fail to look up to God.

A crushed person is without joy and lacks hope and peace, a doorway for many other diseases and problems like mental illness, hypertension, high blood pressure, etc.

Proverbs 15:13 

A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed.

Proverbs 15:13 (ESV)

When we are happy, it is apparent through our physical appearance and even our facial expression. Therefore, we are assured of happiness, joy, and peace through salvation when we trust God and hold on to his promises.

But when we fail to follow his rules and precepts or abide by his word, we attract God’s judgment and punishment which could cause pain, sadness, and sorrow in the heart and can cause one’s spirit to be crushed.


Psalm 34:5 

Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.

Psalm 34:5 (ESV)

Everyone who looks up to God is referred to as radiant because the glory of God shines upon them, and they are a perfect reflection of God’s glory and the manifestation of his unending faithfulness.

Therefore, there is no reason to feel ashamed or afraid when we look up to God; He extends His hands of fellowship to all of us so we can share in his peace and joy through salvation.

It is essential to look up to God in prayer and supplication so our request can be granted.

Job 9:27 

If I say, ‘I will forget my complaint, I will put off my sad face, and be of good cheer,’

Job 9:27 (ESV)

We are encouraged to put on a smiling face even when we are faced with difficulties because God is always with us at all times, rather than complain and feel sad always.

We should turn to God for help in times of trouble, and He will never disappoint or let us down.

Being cheerful brightens our hearts and reflects on our facial expressions, but when we complain, it could lead to anxiety.

Disappointment, frustration, and eventually a heavy heart affects our mood and cause us to look sorrowful.


Numbers 6:25 

The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

Numbers 6:25(ESV)

God is making his face shine upon us as a symbol of his faithfulness towards us…

The benefit from God comes as we enter into the covenant connection and take responsibility for how we live through justice and righteousness. God is considering us because He loves us.

When we live a good life, we attract God’s mercy and favor upon our life, but when we disobey God’s commandment, we enter into a covenant with the devil through sin.

A smile lightens the space and reassures you that everything is fine. We can know God’s smile if we have a relationship with Him.


Bible Verses when facing Hard Times

Isaiah 41:10 

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

God comforts us in this text by assuring us that He will always be by our side. He encourages us not to be afraid because He will uphold us with His just right hand, giving us the strength to stand our ground.

He commands us to trust Him, yet doing so might be difficult because you never know what might be waiting for you on the other side of the bridge.

However, God desires that you have faith in Him. He wants you to boost your spirits and accumulate stamina so that you can let Him walk beside you at all times.

We are also encouraged to trust and pray to God during tough times; he will surely stand by us and help us fight every battle we might face.

John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33(ESV)

Jesus has told us that we will face tribulations, pain, persecution, and suffering in this world, but he has assured us of his peace and comfort through the holy spirit.

Christians or not, we all have difficulties in this life. Still, whatever the challenges we encounter, we are to have confidence and encouragement because we have hope in Jesus, who has triumphed. And because of Him, we are capable of overcoming everything.


1 Peter 5:7 

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7 (ESV)

Christians must submit to God’s strong hand and believe that He will exalt us when the time is perfect.

To accept the task of serving and yielding to others, we must give up the work of pursuing our glory. Our God will then elevate us when the time is perfect by using His strong hand.

These words offer considerable support and perhaps even conviction for people who find it difficult to submit to strict human authorities.

It appeals to people who give of themselves year after year with little thanks and supports individuals who care for those with less influence or worth.


Jeremiah 29:11-13

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11-13(ESV)

We are to put all our burdens on God as the author and finisher of our faith; only He can assist us because He has plans for us.

God only has positive plans to prosper us and to give us hope through his resurrection, so we should seek him through prayers, and he will answer us and grant us our heart desires.

Instead of worrying, we should pray to God with all our hearts, and he will listen. He might not solve our problems immediately, but he has assured us of a plan, so we should trust him and believe his promises.

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13(ESV)

Amid all our troubles, we should find motivation and strength through this passage.

When we feel weak, anxious, or scared, we should know that God is with us at all times and we can conquer all our fears.

We should believe that with God, all things are possible, we should constantly look on the bright side and trust God at all times, and we should always smile and know that we are not alone in our struggles.



Happiness can only come from God, but this doesn’t mean we won’t encounter challenges. Even as believers, we can still face challenges, but the trust we have in Him will keep us safe from those challenges.

Some challenges we face require us to put a smile on our faces; some might likely do them purposely so we can be sad. But we must put a smile on our faces to counter their plans.

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