35 Authentic Prayer Points on Divine Speed with Bible Verses

Divine Settlement Prayer Points

Divine settlement is a concept deeply rooted in spirituality. It signifies the peace, prosperity, and completeness that comes from a higher power.

In this article, we’ll delve into 17 divine settlement prayer points that can guide you in achieving this state of wholeness.

Why Prayer Points Are Important

Divine settlement is not just a term; it’s a promise supported by biblical teachings. Scriptures like Isaiah 60:1-22 and Jeremiah 29:11 point to the idea that divine settlement is achievable through faith and prayer.

Prayer points serve as a guide to focused and effective prayers. They help you articulate your desires clearly, making your prayers more potent.

Divine Settlement Prayer Points

Here is a list of 17 divine settlement prayer points designed to guide you in your spiritual journey.

Prayer Point 1: “Lord, Settle Me in My Career and Relationships”

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you to ask for your guidance and blessings in my career and relationships. Let your divine settlement reign in these areas of my life.”

Lord, Settle Me in My Career and Relationships

Prayer Point 2: “Father, Grant Me Peace in Every Area of My Life”

“Almighty God, I seek your peace in every corner of my existence. Let your tranquility replace any turmoil I may be experiencing.”

Father, Grant Me Peace in Every Area of My Life

Prayer Point 3: “Lord, Secure My Finances”

“Lord, I pray for financial stability and growth. Let your divine settlement manifest in my finances.”

Lord, Secure My Finances

Prayer Point 4: “God, Heal My Body and Soul”

“Father, I ask for your healing touch on my body and soul. Let me feel your divine settlement in my health.”

God, Heal My Body and Soul

Prayer Point 5: “Lord, Guide My Children”

“God, I place my children in your hands. Guide them, protect them, and let them experience your divine settlement.”

Lord, Guide My Children

Prayer Point 6: “God, Strengthen My Faith” 

“Father, I ask for an increase in faith. Help me to trust in your promises and experience your divine settlement in my spiritual life.”

Prayer Point 7: “Lord, Bless My Marriage”

“Heavenly Father, I pray for your blessings upon my marriage. Let love, peace, and understanding be the pillars of our union, and may we experience your divine settlement.”

Prayer Point 8: “God, Open Doors of Opportunity”

“Lord, I pray for open doors in my career, relationships, and endeavors. Let your divine settlement make way for new opportunities.”

Prayer Point 9: “Father, Give Me Wisdom”

“Almighty God, grant me the wisdom to make the right choices that lead to divine settlement in all areas of my life.”

Prayer Point 10: “Lord, Protect Me from Harm”

“Father, I ask for your divine protection against any form of harm or evil. Let your divine settlement be a shield around me.”

Prayer Point 11: “God, Let Your Will Be Done”

“Lord, I submit to your will. Let your plans for divine settlement in my life come to fruition.”

Prayer Point 12: “Father, Renew My Mind”

“God, I ask for a renewal of my mind. Let positive thoughts and your divine settlement fill my consciousness.”

Prayer Point 13: “Lord, Restore Broken Relationships”

“Father, I pray for the restoration of any broken relationships in my life. Let your divine settlement bring reconciliation.”

Prayer Point 14: “God, Give Me Patience”

“Lord, grant me the patience to wait for your divine timing and settlement in all aspects of my life.”

Prayer Point 15: “Father, Increase My Joy”

“God, fill my heart with joy that surpasses human understanding. Let this joy be a sign of your divine settlement in my life.”

Prayer Point 16: “Lord, Guide My Decisions”

“Father, be the guiding force behind every decision I make. Let your divine settlement be evident in the outcomes.”

Prayer Point 17: “God, Thank You for Divine Settlement”

“Lord, I thank you in advance for the divine settlement I know you’re bringing into my life. May your name be glorified.”

Prayer Points 18. Prayer for Peaceful Resolution

Almighty Father, grant us a peaceful resolution to the conflicts in our lives, settling our hearts and minds in your perfect peace.

19. Prayer for Harmony in Relationships

Lord, we ask for your divine intervention to bring harmony and understanding to our relationships, fostering a spirit of unity and love.

20. Prayer for Financial Stability

Provider of All, we seek your divine settlement in our finances, securing our present and future with your abundant provision.

21. Prayer for Job Security

Heavenly Father, settle us in our careers, granting job security and satisfaction in the work of our hands.

22. Prayer for Healing of Past Wounds

Merciful God, bring healing to the wounds of our past, settling our spirits with your comforting presence and restorative touch.

23. Prayer for Settled Emotions

Lord, calm the storms of our emotions, granting us serenity and a settled heart in the midst of life’s turbulence.

Righteous Judge, we pray for fair and just settlements in our legal matters, reflecting your divine justice and mercy.

25. Prayer for Settling in a New Home or City

God of Abraham, as you led him to a new land, guide us to settle peacefully in a new home or city, providing for all our needs.

26. Prayer for Marriage Restoration

Covenant Keeper, we ask for your hand in restoring and settling strained marriages, rebuilding them on the foundation of your love.

27. Prayer for Clarity and Direction

 Lord of Wisdom, provide clear direction for our lives, settling our path with your light and truth to guide us.

28. Prayer for Settled Faith and Belief

Father, fortify our faith and belief in you, settling any doubts and planting our feet firmly on the rock of your salvation.

29. Prayer for the Resolution of Inner Conflict

Prince of Peace, resolve the inner conflicts that plague our souls, bringing a settled sense of your presence and purpose.

30. Prayer for Stability in Education

Great Teachers, provide stability and success in our educational pursuits, settling our minds with knowledge and wisdom from above.

31. Prayer for Settling of the Mind

Lord of all Comfort, settle our minds from anxiety and stress and lead us into your perfect peace that surpasses all understanding.

32. Prayer for Resolution in Church Conflicts

Shepherd of the Church, bring resolution and unity to conflicts within your body, settling our hearts in love and cooperation.

33. Prayer for Settling into God’s Will

Divine Guide, help us to settle into your will for our lives, surrendering our own plans to follow your lead with trust and obedience.

34. Prayer for a Settled Spirit in Times of Change

Unchanging God, as we face the winds of change, grant us a settled spirit, trusting in your constancy and care.

35. Prayer for Settled Purpose and Identity

Creator God, affirm our purpose and identity in you, settling any confusion with the assurance of who we are in Christ.

36. Prayer for Settlement in Physical and Mental Health

Jehovah Rapha, brings about a divine settlement in our physical and mental health, restoring balance and wellness to our whole being.

37. Prayer for Divine Settlement in all Areas of Life

Omnipotent Father, we pray for your divine settlement to pervade every area of our lives, establishing your order and prosperity in all we do.

38. Prayer for Settling Disputes

Lord of Justice, intervene and settle the disputes that disrupt our lives, so that truth and reconciliation prevail.

39. Prayer for Stability in Church Leadership

Heavenly Shepherd, provide stability and divine settlement within our church leadership, guiding them with your wisdom and grace.

40. Prayer for Settled Peace in Communities

God of Order, bring a settled peace to our communities, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect among all.

41. Prayer for Settling of Debts

Provider and Sustainer, we ask for your assistance in settling our debts, freeing us from financial burdens by your divine provision.

42. Prayer for Settled Futures for Our Children

Eternal Guardian, we pray for our children’s futures, that they may be settled and secured by your loving hand.

43. Prayer for Resolution of Church and Ministry Finances

Jehovah Jireh, bring divine settlement to the financial aspects of our churches and ministries, blessing them with abundance and fiscal health.

44. Prayer for Settling the Hearts of Leaders

King of Kings, settle the hearts of our leaders with your wisdom and integrity, that they may lead according to your will.

45. Prayer for Settling in God’s Presence

Divine Comforter, help us to find a settled rest in your presence, rejuvenating our souls with your peace and love.

46. Prayer for Settledness in Spiritual Calling

Lord of the Harvest, settle us in our spiritual calling, confirming our work and service in your vineyard.

47. Prayer for Settlement in Emotional Turmoil

God of all Consolation, bring settlement to those experiencing emotional turmoil, enveloping them in your calming embrace.

How to Use These Prayer Points

The best times to use these prayer points are early in the morning or late at night. You can also combine them with fasting for more effectiveness.

Testimonies of Divine Settlement

Jane Doe experienced divine settlement in her finances after consistently using these prayer points. Similarly, John Smith found peace in his relationships after dedicating time to these prayers.


What is Divine Settlement?

Divine settlement refers to the state of receiving complete peace, prosperity, and fulfillment from a higher power.

How Can Prayer Points Help Me?

Prayer points guide you in your prayers, making them more focused and effective.

Are There Specific Times to Use These Prayer Points?

Yes, early mornings or late nights are generally considered the best times to use these prayer points.


These 17 divine settlement prayer points are more than just words; they are a spiritual guide to achieving a life of peace and prosperity. Take the steps today to incorporate them into your daily routine.

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