9 Examples Of Decision-Making In The Bible


We find several instances of people who confronted difficult choices and prevailed over them by trusting and obeying God throughout the Bible.

The Bible presents a rich tapestry of stories highlighting the art of making intelligent decisions, from great leaders like Moses and David to familiar individuals confronting everyday obstacles.

In this article, we will examine 9 examples of decision-making in the Bible, gleaning important lessons from each to guide us as we make our own decisions.

Lessons from these Examples can help you make decisions that honor God and result in a life of meaning and fulfillment, whether you are faced with a significant life decision or a straightforward everyday decision.

How Does God Guide Us In Decision-Making?

Making decisions can be a challenging and often overwhelming process. From small decisions like what to eat for breakfast to life-changing decisions like choosing a career path, we face daily choices.

Faith is an important factor in decision-making for many people, and they seek guidance and direction from a higher power.

This article will explore how God guides us in decision-making and offer practical ways to seek guidance from a higher power.

1. Through Prayer:

Prayer is one of the most powerful ways to seek guidance from God. Whether a small decision or a major life choice, praying and seeking God’s advice can help bring clarity and peace of mind.

Jesus taught his followers to pray for guidance in the Lord’s Prayer when he said, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10, NIV).

By praying, individuals can open themselves up to the wisdom and direction of a higher power and receive the guidance they need to make important decisions.

2. Through Scripture:

Scripture is another valuable resource for seeking guidance from God. The Bible is filled with stories of people facing difficult decisions and receiving advice from God.

By studying and reflecting on the teachings of Scripture, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of God’s will and purpose for their lives.

As the psalmist writes, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105, NIV). By following the teachings of Scripture, individuals can be assured that they are on the right path and making decisions that align with God’s will.

3. Through Counsel:

Seeking Counsel from others, particularly those who share our faith, can also be a helpful way to receive guidance from God. Proverbs 11:14 states, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety” (ESV).

By seeking the advice of trusted friends, family members, or spiritual leaders, individuals can gain new perspectives and insights to help inform their decision-making process.

4. Through Inner Peace:

Sometimes, God guides us through the inner peace we feel when making the right decision. As the apostle Paul writes, “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.

And be thankful” (Colossians 3:15, ESV). When we are facing a decision, it can be helpful to take time to reflect on how we feel about each option. If a particular choice brings us a sense of inner peace, it may be a sign that this is the right decision.

9 Examples Of Decision-Making In The Bible

The Bible is a rich source of wisdom and guidance, containing numerous examples of decision-making.

From the lives of great leaders like Moses and David to the struggles of ordinary people, the Bible offers a wealth of insights into the art of making wise decisions. Here are nine examples of decision-making in the Bible:

1. Abraham’s decision to leave his homeland:

In Genesis 12, Abraham is called by God to leave his homeland and journey to a new land. Despite the risks and uncertainties, Abraham demonstrates his faith by obeying God’s command.

2. Moses’ decision to confront Pharaoh:

In Exodus 3-4, God calls Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses initially resists but eventually agrees to confront Pharaoh and demand the release of the Israelites.

3. David’s decision to fight Goliath:

In 1 Samuel 17, David faces the giant Goliath in battle. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, David trusts in God and defeats Goliath with a single stone from his sling.

4. Esther’s decision to risk her life:

In Esther 4-5, Esther risks her life by approaching King Xerxes to plead for the safety of the Jewish people. Esther’s courage and wisdom save her people from destruction.

5. Job’s Decision to Trust God:

In Job 1-2, Job suffers a series of devastating losses, including the deaths of his children and the destruction of his property. Despite his suffering, Job refuses to curse God and remains faithful to him.

6. Solomon’s decision to ask for wisdom:

In 1 Kings 3, God appears to Solomon in a dream and offers to grant him any request. Solomon asks for wisdom to govern his people, and God gives his appeal, making him one of the wisest kings in history.

7. Nehemiah’s decision to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem:

In Nehemiah 2-6, Nehemiah leads a group of exiles in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, despite opposition from their enemies. Nehemiah’s determination and leadership inspired his people to complete the task.

8. Mary’s decision to accept God’s plan:

In Luke 1, Mary is visited by an angel who tells her she will bear a son, Jesus, who will be the world’s savior. Mary accepts God’s plan, despite the risks and uncertainties involved.

9. Paul’s decision to follow Christ:

In Acts 9, Paul is converted to Christianity after a dramatic encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul becomes one of the greatest Christian missionaries in history, spreading the gospel throughout the world.

These examples teach important lessons about choosing choices, such as having faith, being courageous, wise, determined, and obeying God’s will.

We can develop into better decision-makers and more devoted followers of God by studying these cases and implementing the lessons we learn in our own lives.

7-Step Biblical Decision-Making Process

Making decisions is a part of our daily lives and can sometimes be a complex process. However, the Bible provides a guide for making decisions that honor God and align with his will. Here are seven steps for a Biblical decision-making process:

1. Pray For Guidance:

Before making any decision, seeking God’s guidance through Prayer is essential. In James 1:5, we are told that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God, who will generously give it to us. Prayer helps us focus our minds and hearts on God’s will and invites the Holy Spirit to lead us.

2. Search The Scriptures:

Bible is the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance, and it contains principles that apply to every area of life.

We should search the Scriptures for guidance on our decision and look for examples of how God has led others in similar situations.

3. Seek wise Counsel:

Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed.” It’s essential to seek the advice of wise and godly people who can offer a different perspective and help us to see things more clearly.

4. Consider The Consequences:

Every decision we make has consequences, both for ourselves and others. We should carefully consider the potential outcomes of our decisions and weigh them against God’s principles and values.

5. Listen To Your Conscience:

Our conscience is a God-given internal compass that can guide us in making decisions. It’s important to listen to our conscience and the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who can lead us in the right direction.

6. Trust God’s Providence:

Ultimately, we must trust God’s providence and sovereignty over our lives. Even when we don’t understand why things are happening, we can trust that God is in control and working together for our good (Romans 8:28).

7. Take Action:

Once we have prayed, searched the Scriptures, sought wise Counsel, considered the consequences, listened to our conscience, and trusted God’s providence, it’s time to take Action.

We must have the courage and faith to decide and trust that God will guide us and use our decision for his glory.

Following these seven steps, we can make decisions that honor God and align with his will. As we seek to make decisions that please God, we can have confidence that he will guide us and use our choices for his purposes.


Through the examples of different biblical characters, we have seen how the important elements of making sound decisions are faith, Prayer, seeking wise Counsel, and relying on God’s providence.

Additionally, we’ve seen that even when we mess up, God is always willing to pardon and direct us back in the right direction.

We can learn important lessons that can guide us in making sensible decisions in our own lives by studying the Bible’s decision-making examples.

So that we can make choices that respect God and move us closer to His desire for our lives, let’s work to increase our faith and knowledge of His word.

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