What are the 39 diseases in the Bible


A disease is a different sickness affecting all or a portion of the body and characterized by a particular set of symptoms.

Many have questioned why God permits or even causes pandemic diseases and whether such illnesses are a sign of the end times due to several pandemic disease outbreaks, such as the coronavirus.

What are the 39 diseases in the Bible?

The Bible, especially the Old Testament, records multiple instances where God sent diseases and plagues upon His people and enemies.

In this article, we will discuss the 39 diseases in the Bible.

1. Dysentry

This was a prevalent illness among Middle Easterners. Amebae, bacteria, and worms were the leading causes, along with other creatures.

In some circumstances, the body adapted to the invasive organism, and only infrequent diarrheal outbreaks would occur.

Hemorrhoids formed, and occasionally, as in the case of Jehoram, the lower portion of the colon prolapsed (2 Chron 21:18).. Because of the disease, “his bowels gushed out, and he died in tremendous anguish” (v. 19).

2. Epilepsy

The term “epilepsy” also refers to a seizure. This seizure may be mild, causing only a slight twitch of the face or hands or even a recurrent acute but fleeting stomach pain.

The patient collapses unexpectedly, goes unconscious, shakes uncontrollably, chews his tongue, and vomits blood. Between five and twenty minutes pass throughout the fit.

It is mentioned as a category of diseases in Matthew 4:24. A man shouted to Jesus in Matthew 17:15, “lord have mercy on my son for he is an epileptic and suffers terribly.”

3. Blindness

There are numerous instances of characters in the Bible who were born blind or developed blindness as a result of sickness or ailment. Several instances include:

Jesus healed Bartimaeus, a beggar who was blind (Mark 10:46-52)
The man who was born blind and was healed by Jesus in John 9:1–7

Saul (later known as Paul), who was momentarily blinded on the route to Damascus, and Tobit, who initially became blind in the book of Tobit but was later cured by the angel Raphael (Acts 9:1-19).

 4. Leprosy

was deeply feared by the Israelites, not just because of the disease’s physical harm but also because of the strict isolation regulations that applied to those with leprosy, making those who had it feel like feared outcasts.

Leprosy patients were made to live outside the community because they were considered dirty. Jesus showed his strength and compassion by curing many leprosy patients in the New Testament.

In certain instances, the sickness is also a metaphor for spiritual uncleanness. Examples of leprous cases were found in Leviticus 13:1,2, 3; 45, 46.

5. Boils

Staphylococci are typically the cause behind boils as we know them now. As long as no injury to the skin would allow the germs to penetrate and multiply, these microorganisms ordinarily present on the skin’s surface pose no threat.

Several times in the Bible, boils, or skin illnesses are described as divine punishment.

Several instances include: Boils are mentioned as one of the symptoms of leprosy in Leviticus 13:18–23.

Boils are listed as curses that will befall wayward people in Deuteronomy 28:27. Job was plagued with excruciating spots from head to toe, as told in Job 2.

6. Demon Possession

In Biblical times, diseases were generally attributed to the presence of evil spirits in the sufferer, though less so in Israel than in other nations.

Violent occurrences, such as those that can happen with insane people or those with severe epileptic fits, fueled belief in demon possession.

Demon possession may imitate or result in diseases like epilepsy, insanity, or aphasia, but the Bible distinguishes it from these (see Matt 4:24, 17:15; Mark 9:17-27).

Not all of the illnesses that Jesus healed were linked to demonic control, but specific instances were accurate.

7. Dumbness

As was the case with the man stated in Mark 7:32, who “was deaf and had an impediment in his speech,” mutism may relate to the complete inability to communicate. At the same time, aphasia may refer to difficulty talking effectively and coherently.

The term “dumbness” in the sense of mutism can refer to a variety of conditions, including obstinate resistance, intense sadness brought on by an external disaster (Psalm 38:13),

great panic as that experienced by Saul’s companions in Acts 9:17, hysteria, and brain lesions.

8. Scabs

These are general phrases for any skin condition characterized by surface regions of hard crusts.

The most prevalent conditions are now known as eczema, herpes, and maybe psoriasis, which are widespread in biblical countries.

Here are a few verses that could be construed to be talking about scabs. According to Leviticus 13:18, “if someone has a “scab” on their skin, they should be regarded as unclean.”

The same paragraph also advises someone with a scab to wash their clothes and take a bath to clean themselves. A person is instructed to maintain his home free of scabs in Deuteronomy 24:8.

9. Inflammation

On the surface of our bodies, deadly microorganisms, particularly streptococci and staphylococci, are constantly present.

Because of this, before performing a significant operation, surgeons must thoroughly wash their hands with soap and a sharp brush to remove as many of these germs as possible.

Deuteronomy 28:27 predicts that the inflammation will manifest as several lesions, which Job experienced, but it may also be confined, as in a single boil.

10. Fever

The Bible references fever mainly as an indication of divine wrath. For instance, if the Israelites break their agreement with God, God instructs Moses to inflict a rage on the Israelite camp.

This mandate is found in the book of Leviticus. God gives Miriam a severe fever in the book of Numbers when she criticizes her brother Moses. King David asks God to remove his rage in the Psalms.

The Bible foretells that a terrible epidemic will create fever among the earth’s inhabitants in the book of Revelation.

11. Hemorrhage

The story of a woman who experienced a continuous blood flow for twelve years is found in Luke 8:42–48.

A blood vessel rupture causes an excessive amount of bleeding or blood to leak out, which is a condition known as hemorrhage.

According to her faith, Elisha in the Books of Kings heals a Shunammite woman of her bleeding.

One of many illnesses that Jesus can cure is Bleeding, and this motif of his capacity to heal the sick is present throughout the Gospels.

12. Alcoholism

In Biblical times, wine was just as famous as coffee. In a place like Israel, this was beneficial.

Multiple types of dysentery were common, and water was easily contaminated. The wine was considered a safe beverage due to its alcohol concentration.

The Bible makes numerous positive references to wine. Isaac wished Jacob well, saying, “May God grant you lots of grain and wine” (Gen. 27:28).

It is also true that some Hebrews overindulged in alcohol and caused difficulty for both themselves and other people.

Although wine is frequently praised in the Bible, it is also strongly discouraged from being used excessively.

13. Baldness

Jews typically had luxuriant hair and facial hair growth. They were very proud of it.

Israel’s foreign neighbors occasionally shaved their chins and scalps as a gesture of grief, but the Israelites were expressly forbidden to do so (Isa 15:2) (Deut 14:1).

Unavoidable baldness was viewed as regretful and occasionally humiliating.

The causes of baldness were, and still are, numerous. A tight or heavy cap can impede blood flow to the scalp.

Advanced and incapacitating diseases and simple aging can cause baldness.

Seborrheic dermatitis, a fungus infection with a gross mess of greasy, yellowish crusts, and tinea wapitis, were the two most typical causes (ringworm of the scalp).

14. Consumption

The Bible only uses this word twice (Lev 26:16 and Deut 28:22).

In both cases, it is mentioned in a litany of catastrophes that the Israelites would experience if they disobeyed their God.

Although attempts have been made to restrict its definition to tuberculosis or malaria, it is more likely to refer to the entire group of wasting diseases, especially dysentery in its various forms.

15. Deafness

The Bible makes multiple mentions of hearing loss and deafness, according to the biblical text. According to the Old Testament, Moses could communicate with God despite not hearing.

In the New Testament, Jesus is depicted as curing persons who are deaf. For instance, in the book of Matthew, Jesus heals a man who is deaf and mute.

Deafness is also used as a metaphor for spiritual blindness in other passages. For instance, it states that individuals who have ears but do not listen are spiritually deaf in Isaiah 29:18.

These verses suggest that writers considered deafness, not just a physical handicap but also a spiritual one.

16. Fiery Heat

The phrase “The Lord will smite you with fiery heat, and with thirst” is found in Deuteronomy 28:22.

Extremely high body temperatures, between 106 and 107 degrees Fahrenheit and the stoppage of sweating and unconsciousness are symptoms of heat stroke.

It is not difficult to imagine the suffering of people in a hot region experiencing repeated droughts and the dangers associated with the necessity of performing strenuous physical labor in the scorching sun.

It is likely that the youngster who shouted “Oh, my head, my head” before passing away (2 Kings 4:19) suffered from a case of heat stroke.

17. Infirmity

According to John 9:9, a man by the Bethesda pool “had an ailment for thirty-eight years.” He is described as an “impotent” man in verse 7.

Infirmity is a word with a comprehensive definition; infirmity can relate to any disease of the body or structural abnormalities.

The implication appears to be that something that happened to him 38 years ago left him with a persistent disability so severe that he is referred to as impotent and was unable to successfully compete with other ill or disabled individuals to enter the healing body of water.

His condition would have likely run its course and resulted in recovery or death in far less time than thirty-eight years if it had been a chronic sickness.

18. Insanity

also referred to as lunacy (Matthew 4:24 KJV; Deuteronomy 28:28; madness, blindness, and confusion of the mind).

The word “insanity” is terrible. Many people imagine it to be “like a maniac who tosses firebrands, arrows, and death,” as it says in Proverbs 26:18.

However, it is a condition that comes in varying degrees and is brought on by a problem with all or part of the brain.

Early signs of insanity (lunacy, dementia) may go unnoticed. It may begin with a decline in mental acuity, a decrease in energy, difficulties remembering, particularly recent events, or the patient may have issues stringing together words to make sense.

He could easily get lost, make poor decisions, exhibit poor judgment, and exhibit signs of depression, anxiety, irritability, and dread that someone is out to get him (paranoia).

19. Itching

This is just another of the curses the Lord swore to bring upon Israelites who turned away from Him (Deut 28:27).

A microscopic mite called “Sarcoptes Scabiei” is the leading cause of the itch, and the illness it causes is called scabies.

A skilled dermatologist can remove the Scabies mite from its burrow with the help of a magnifying glass.

The Scabies mite causes severe itching in that burrow, especially at night. To stop itching, the victim feverishly scratches, frequently piercing the skin and causing significant illness.

20. Tumours

Uncontrolled and aberrant cell proliferation produces tumors, which are abnormal tissue masses. Malignant tumors are carcinogenic and can spread to other body parts,

while benign tumors are not cancerous and do not threaten health. Although the Bible does not explicitly address tumors, many chapters refer to physical and mental disorders that can result in the growth of tumors.

David begs the Lord to “hear my request, O Lord, and give heed to my cry; hold not thy peace at my weeping, for I am a stranger and a sojourner with thee, as were all my fathers” in Psalm 39:12.

21. Atrophy

job describes one of his ailments by saying, “He has shriveled me up” (Job 16:8). The muscles in this disease are resistant to absorbing the nutrients that the blood carries to them.

Even if food intake is sufficient and digestion and absorption from the gastrointestinal tract are average, food is not adequately absorbed by muscles when it reaches them.

22. Dropsy

is the abnormal buildup of serous fluid in one of the body’s cavities or tissues. It frequently occurs as a result of a damaged heart or damaged kidneys.

One of Jesus’ miracles described in the Gospels involved healing a man who had dropsy (Luke 14:1-6).

23. Dwarfism

Dwarfs appear normal at birth, but it is noticed early on that their linear growth is prolonged, and beyond ten years, it may completely stop.

Dwarves were prohibited from doing priestly tasks because Heb. priests were expected to be physically normal (Lev 21:20).

24. Obesity

In the present era, we have been made aware of the risks of obesity for our hearts, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, potential surgery, and lifespan.

The components of relief are diet and adequate exercise.

Instances in the Bible include Judges 3:17,Now Eglon was an obese man,” and judges 3:22, “And the fat closed over the blade.”

25. palsy

Palsy is the loss of motor and occasionally sensory skills. It stands for “paralysis” when shortened.

Even though it is used far less frequently than “paralysis” in contemporary English, palsy is still a widely used medical term. Jesus healed the paralyzed (Matt 4:24; 8:6; Mark 2:3).

Additionally, Philip and Peter (Acts 9:33, 34) healed “many who were paralyzed” (Acts 8:70)

26. Pestilence

is a term that often appears in the Bible. There is a remarkable example of David’s wickedness being atoned for by the three-day epidemic that killed 75,000 of his people (2 Samuel 24:15).

“Pestilence like the fashion of Egypt,” according to Amos 4:10. If cholera did exist in Israel, it would unquestionably fall under the category of pestilence.

It is frequently spread through tainted drinking water or food cultivated on land soiled with human waste.

27. Infertility

The inability to conceive is a common symptom of this disease.

There are six barren women in the Bible: three of the four matriarchs (Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel) in Genesis;

Hannah, mother of the prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 1-2); the unnamed wife of Manoah, mother of Samson (Judges 13); and the “great woman of Shunem,” also known as the Shunamite, a follower of the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4:8-44). 

28. impediment of speech

Mark 7:32 mentions this physical challenge: “And they brought to him a man who was deaf and had an obstruction in his speech.”

For instance, some people struggle to find the right words to describe their reactions when they smell something. A similar thing happens to other people when they taste food

29. Scurvy

The Bible refers to scurvy, a condition brought on by a deficiency in vitamin C, as it affects the Israelites when they are traveling through the wilderness.

30. plague

In the year BC, the plague was frequent in Egypt. It was also highly prevalent in Palestine, particularly in Philistia along the coast.

Asia and Europe were also the scenes of terrible outbreaks. The word “plague” is used broadly in Leviticus 13 and 14 (KJV) to describe virtually any type of skin rash.

The priests were responsible for deciding whether isolation was necessary or the disease was generally benign.

There was no mention of plague as a disease in the list of the ten plagues in Egypt. There have been attempts to demonstrate that these plagues were routine occurrences to the Egyptians and that they had just been emphasized.

31. Starvation

People in the mid-East were familiar with starvation during the period of the Bible. Drought periods were frequent, and when they persisted for several years, they were disastrous.

We merely need to consider Joseph and the Egyptians’ history. Another example is in Deuteronomy 28:53.

32. Tetter

It does not refer to any of these illnesses or freckles as translated in the KJV in Leviticus 13:39.

There were white patches of skin on the men and women who reported. Because a white patch might occasionally be an early sign of leprosy, a diagnosis was required.

It was probably vitiligo, irregular regions of depigmented skin when it was deemed non-contagious.

White streaks were created by the centrifugal dispersion of the bleached areas, which occasionally involved the hair. There is no known cause. Although it is disfiguring, it is not harmful.

33. Starvation

People in the mid-East were familiar with starvation during the period of the Bible. Drought periods were frequent, and when they persisted for several years, they were disastrous.

We merely need to consider Joseph and the Egyptians’ history.

The Egyptians were forced to pay for their food with their own money, animals, land, and finally, their freedom by Joseph since the drought was so severe, turning them all into Pharaoh’s slaves. (Deuteronomy 28:53)

34. Ulcers

Leviticus 13:18–23 in the Old Testament gives instructions on identifying and treating diseases that result in boils or sores. Similarly, Isaiah 1:5–6 mentions a condition that results in skin sores and scabs.

Numerous New Testament passages mention skin conditions and disorders that could be related to ulcers.

Luke 16:20–21 refers to a guy with sores all over him, while James 5:14–15 speaks of anointing and oil healing.

35. Putrefaction

“And if any man’s clothing is moth-eaten, he shall put on a new garment; for the moth-eaten is a defiling item, and the garment that is moth-eaten is a defiling thing,” the Lord commanded in  Leviticus 13:47).

The Bible also discusses how diseases of putrefaction can harm a person’s phBiblel health. According to what the Lord said in Deuteronomy, “You shall not eat anything that has died of itself; Deuteronomy 14:21

36. Swelling

The word “swelling” is used in the Bible to describe an illness mentioned multiple times. Moses is Biblemed in Numbers 12:10 that his sister Miriam has a “leprous sickness of swelling.”

The bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, which can result in skin lesions, deformity, and nerve damage, is the source of the chronic infection known as leprosy.

According to Numbers 12:11–13, God delivered Miriam from her suffering.

37. Incontinence

A medical disorder known as incontinence affects the bladder and results in involuntary pee leakage or the inability to contain urine in the bladder.

Due to this ceremony, she will experience a protracted, incontinent flow, which entails swallowing water infused with dust from the tabernacle’s floor.

God commands the Israelites not to put a muzzle on an ox while it tramples the grain in Deuteronomy chapter 25.

38. Rash

The Bible makes several references to rash disorders, providing insight into the physical and spiritual issues that people in Biblical times were dealing with.

Another possibility is that a “troublesome rash” results from God’s rebuke, according to DeuteroBible28:27.

Even though it could be connected to a spiritual or moral issue, this passage could also refer to a physical illness.

39 . Worms

Without a doubt, the Israelites had plenty of them, although residing in relatively spartan surroundings in a semitropical nation.

The body can tolerate a small number of tapeworms and other worm species, but when they become overabundant, they can lead to significant sickness and even death.


These numerous verses demonstrate that the Bible does not remain mute regarding illness, disease, and other infirmities.

God permits it, and occasionally sin is the cause, and occasionally it isn’t. Though He allows it, He also heals, at His own will and in His time, if He so chooses.

Sometimes, He may only want us to get close to Him for this reason.

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